29 Jul Under Her Eye, British Library
We were invited to give a talk and participate in a panel on ‘creative activism’ at a one day Climate Summit on the 1st June 2018. The summit featured speakers including Caroline Lucas MP (co-leader of the Green Party), author, Margaret Atwood and Hakima El Haité, Moroccan Minister for the Environment and COP22 Host.
Our ten minute talk was entitled ‘Becoming we in the anthropocene‘. We charted the impact of colonialism to the hostile environment of austerity and climate change today; we considered the relevance of intellectual and creative activism of artists, thinkers and writers including Patricia Hill Collins, Audre Lorde, Jeanette Ehlers, Rosi Braidotti and Ursula Le Guin; we unearthed a ‘data critter’, a queer environmental, more-than-human species that breathes with us to encourage us to consider earth’s vital role in supporting life.
The one day summit was followed by a festival of public art installations and workshops across King’s Cross on 2nd of June which invited the public to consider and experience climate change through the lens of AIR, LAND and SEA.
Under her Eye was organised by Invisible Dust. The livestream of keynote talks can be watched here.
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